Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Daddy and Ave's driving the mini-ex. Ave's is destined to be a dirt-girl. She gets fuming mad if
Brent starts up the 4-wheeler and doesn't offer to take her for a ride. We are just in the process of trying to finish our backyard so Avery has a place to play. We especially need somewhere that she can't escape from since she has started crawling. Daddy still calls her "bunches of lunches" as you can see from the pictures her fat little cheeks are getting "sooooo skinny" now that she is everywhere. She is getting so smart and now she can wave bye bye and she says mom and dad and she absolutely knows what she is saying when she says it. She has quite a little personality and she is totally in charge of Brent and I. She knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it.

This was our backyard just one month ago. Brent has worked his guts out to finish the backyard for Ave's. Thanks Brent. I love you!

It looks like Mommy is squishing Ave's again.

We finally got our lawn planted a couple weeks ago and lookie how good it is growing! I think these two can't wait to wrestle on it.
My first cupcake for Daddy's 30th birthday. Dang he is an old fart. But I think that we are gonna keep him because we just got him broke to lead.
Whoa baby! Sugar High!

Mama's girl.